By logging in you will get access to referral program and additional features
Using the chia GUI, switch into Pools, tap on 3-dots in the top right corner of your nft which is currently connected to our pool, choose View pool login link, copy and paste it in your browser.
Using the command line, run chia plotnft show and copy your launcher id. Then run chia plotnft get_login_link -l <launcher id>, link will be printed on the screen.
Once login you will get your personal referral link. It can be used to invite new pool nft members. In gratitude, we will pay you extra 0.5% of referrals' earnings every day.
Referrals will receive a one-time bonus of 25% of their daily earnings (no more than 0.25 XCH) for the first full day on the pool.
Thank you for being with us!
0 / 0 blocks found
0 +0.232058 XCH ≈ $3.12
0 XCH ≈ $0.00
Long time ago
Balance is automatically paid out daily at 12:00 UTC
Minimum payout amount for OG plots is 0.01 XCH
Automatic payouts for OG plots start only when balance exceeds 1 XCH deposit. If your balance is greater than 1 XCH or if you won a block, you can claim deposit by going offline for 24 hours / contact us (we reserve the right to refuse your return to the pool after).